Have a Question?
If you choose not to complete the form for the non-residential structure, a Census Bureau field staff member will likely visit the structure (and potentially seek to speak with someone in the adjacent housing unit on the property) during the nonresponse follow-up stage of the 2020 Census to determine the occupancy status of the structure.
Each of the following options will allow you to inform the Census Bureau of the structure’s non-residential status so that it can be removed from the list of nonresponding housing units.
Call the Census Bureau at 1-800-923-8282 to complete the form using the Census ID provided and explain the situation concerning the non-residential structure to the questionnaire assistance representative.
Paper Form:
Using the paper form left at the non-residential structure, enter ‘0’ for the Number of People living at this address on April 1 and provide a handwritten explanatory note (e.g., “non-residential garage”) in the open space on the form right next to where you entered ‘0’. Enter a name and phone number in the appropriate space on the form to allow the Census Bureau to potentially call you to verify the answer, which may eliminate the need for an in-person follow-up visit from a field staff member. Mail in the form using the envelope provided.
Online Form:
Use the Census ID included in the packet left at the non-residential structure to start the online form, enter ‘0’ for the Number of People living at this address on April 1, and check the box next to “Other” for the reason why no one was living there. Enter a name and phone number in the appropriate space on the form to allow the Census Bureau to potentially call you to verify the answer and determine what “Other” represents in this case, which may eliminate the need for an in-person follow-up visit from a field staff member.