How should a person from Mexico, or anyone who is of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin, answer the Race question on the form?

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How should a person from Mexico, or anyone who is of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin, answer the Race question on the form?

First, whether a person is of Hispanic, Latino and Spanish origin is addressed in a separate Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin question, not the Race question.

  • For example, if you are from Mexico, you would first check the box next to “Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano” in the Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin question
  • For the Race question that follows, you will need to choose the race(s) that most closely connect with how you identify yourself racially, including “white” if appropriate.

Many Mexican respondents and others who answer “yes” to the question asking about Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin may choose to write in their race as “Mexican” or “Cuban,” for example, under “Some Other Race” in the Race question or choose not to answer that question at all if they do not feel that any of the answer choices correspond to how they self-identify racially (despite the conflicting requirement that respondents answer all questions).

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